
会場:アニエスベー ギャラリー ブティック
東京都港区南青山5-7-25 ラ・フルール南青山2F
会期:2023年8月18日(金) – 9月3日(日) *無休
時間:12:00 – 20:00
アニエスベー ギャラリー ブティックは、8月18日(金)から9月3日(日)まで、アニエスベーのアーティストTシャツコレクション展「NOBODY OWNS ME」を開催します。
1994年に始まったアニエスベーのアーティストTシャツは、他のコレクションから完全に独立したラインとして存在しています。きっかけはキューバに生まれ、アメリカで活動したアーティスト、フェリックス・ゴンザレス=トレス(1957-1996)からの提案でした。緑色の文字で「NOBODY OWNS ME(わたしは誰の所有物でもない)」と一文だけが背面に刻まれたTシャツは、ニュー・ミュージアム・オブ・コンテンポラリー・アート(NY)で開催されたオークションのために、エディション入り100枚が特別に制作され、その収益金は同美術館に寄付されました。
このTシャツに始まり今日までに、美術家、写真家、グラフィティアーティスト、ミュージシャン、映画監督、俳優、作家、詩人など、国籍、有名無名問わない300人以上のアーティストがこのT-shirts d’artistes ! に参加し、Tシャツを支持体にそれぞれのアイデア、ジョーク、そして自分自身を自由に表現してきました。その全てがアート作品であると同時に生活の一部であり、一緒に眠り、使い古すことで愛着をより一層深め、使うことがなくなったら他の誰かの手に渡り、巡り巡っていくものだとアニエスベーは考えています。
[English follows] NOBODY OWNS ME
Venue: agnès b. galerie boutique
2F,5-7-25 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date: August 18th – September 3th, 2023 (open every day)
Opening hours: 12:00 – 20:00
agnès b. gallery boutique will hold an exhibition of agnès b.’s artist T-shirts Collection titled “NOBODY OWNS ME” from August 18th(Fri) to September 3rd(Sun).
The agnès b. “artists T-shirts”, which began in 1994, exist as an independent line distinct separated from all other collections. The concept was proposed by Felix Gonzalez-Torres (1957-1996), artist born in Cuba and who worked in the United States. A T-shirt features with a single phrase “NOBODY OWNS ME” written on the back in green letters was produced for an auction at the New Museum of Contemporary Art (NY) A special edition of 100 signed t-shirts were made for this purpose, and the proceeds were donated to the museum.
Neoliberalism, which has swept the world since the 1980s, has caused a regression of state support for human rights of minorities, having also a great impact on American society. Felix, an immigrant and gay who was also suffering from AIDS, stated: “How can we talk about private events, when our bodies have been legislated by the state? We can perhaps talk about private property”. This collaboration with agnès b. gave birth to this T-shirt, which served as Felix’ statement of resistance against specific ideologies that suppress the freedom of dissenting groups whose beliefs do not align, However, he never accepted the exploitation of his identity for profit.
Up to today, over 300 artists from various backgrounds, including fine artists, photographers, graffiti artists, musicians, filmmakers, actors, writers, and poets, regardless of nationality or fame, have participated in T-shirts d’artistes !. Using the T-shirt as a canvas, each artist freely expresses their ideas, jokes, and themselves. agnès b. believes that these T-shirts are not only art pieces but also a part of life; they are loved, used, and passed on to others when no longer needed.
In this exhibition, over 80 artists will be displayed, including works by globally renowned artists such as Gilbert & George, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Douglas Gordon, Jonas Mekas, and David Lynch, as well as Japanese artists like Katsuhiko Hibino, Hiraku Suzuki and anonymous artists. The exhibition will also feature precious archives from the 1990s and 2000s, stored by agnès b. and our staffs and related works by artists and books.
Come to enjoy artworks on an unusual canvas in an unusual exhibition.